Evolution of Natural Resource Programs Performance Management in Tanzania: A Review of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Aspects and Policy Recommendations


This paper intends to inform project management specialists and researchers about natural resource management (NRM) projects/programs performance management through a monitoring, evaluation and learning lens in Tanzania. The review collected information from sample natural resource management programs/projects in Tanzania through personal communication (primary information) and a deskwork review (secondary information).

The review entails monitoring, evaluation and learning in Tanzania; Role of donor community; Engagement of public and private education institutions; Performance management in integrated approach NRM projects; Public projects performance management; Local andInternational NGOs performance management perspectives; Status of statistical software usage; Practicability of MEL systems in Tanzania NRM projects; MEL personnel organization positioning; MEL associations in Tanzania; and NRM project performance management and technology. The paper lastly makes recommendations to improve performance management in Tanzania.

A full review is attached below

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